Family Chrysopidae
Coloration. Pale green to bright green, with yellow mid-dorsal stripe. Face pale (Fig. 346) lateral borders of labrum and ventral region of genae dark brown to black. No interantennal spot. Vertex with faint posteriorly divergent sinuous chocolate brown lines, and usually a slight dark brown mark near borders of pronotum. Antenna1 base generally pale, antennae becoming brown towards apex; scape usually with large dark brown mark on inner dorsal side. Pronotum with sinuous elongate central mark each side of midline, and a lateral streak near the posterior border; usually also the anterior angles darkened (Fig. 347). Pronotal setae black. Mesonotum with 2 elongate marks on anterior lobe; metanotum pale. Venation (Figs 344,345): longitudinal veins dark green; most forewing crossveins, including gradates, black; hindwing crossveins in anterior part of wing, and gradates, black; pterostigma pale green. Legs pale green, tarsi slightly darkened. Abdomen pale, with yellow middorsal stripe usually evident.
A Revision of the Australian Chrysopidae, T R New, 1980
Apertochrysa edwardsi is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | Barwon South West
Chrysopa Edwardsi Apertochrysa edwardsiMaps
WendyM's farm at Freshwater Ck.Places
Freshwater Creek, VIC