Hello NatureMaprs!
The NatureMapr Team have some exciting news for our users following the last few weeks!
- We recently presented NatureMapr to the Threatened Species Commissioner and are having discussions with potential partner organisations.
- Many thanks to Steve Taylor for his presentation to the NSW Government regarding NatureMapr data's integration with ArcGIS and Field Maps.
- A recent presentation to the NatureArt group.
- Version 1 of our Biodiversity Dashboard for maps has been introduced (see screenshot below).
- Site navigation has been simplified and species list formats improved.
- A new page listing all sightings reported to priority species lists has been added.
- New sighting impact notifications are now sent to users when they report a priority species that increases the SRS of a location.
- Category experts now display a green verified tick which acknowledges their qualifications, experience or proven track record in their area of expertise.
- Check out our recent NatureMapr for government video on Youtube!
- Our next mobile update is progressing well.
- Various bug fixes and stability improvements have been implemented.
From the NatureMapr team, have a great Sunday!